Vision Development
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Eye is considered to be the supreme sense. 80% of our understanding of the objects, people and the environment around us comes through the visual system. PreciEyes is one of the best Vision Development Centre in Chennai which provides an early eye examination and offers treatment accordingly.
The development of vision is unique and follows a particular sequence. The eye receives the light rays, converts it into electrical signals and transmits to the brain where the brain processes the images. The visual centre not only processes the visual images but integrates it with other senses like adding the taste, smell, texture and sound of the object detected visually. This information is stored and can be retrieved when needed. Hence vision becomes a learned process.
Under certain circumstances though the eye receives appropriate information the communication between the eye and the brain may be impaired and hence recognizing the object becomes a challenge. Cortical visual impairment (CVI), delayed visual maturation are some of the conditions where the eye to brain communication is impaired.
Key visual developmental milestones to check in your child are:
- Stares at light by one month of age
- Follows light horizontally, follows moving objects and persons, turning towards the source of sound by two months
- Follows light vertically, inspecting own hands, smiles at human faces by three months
- Follows light in all directions, reaches to visual targets by four months
- Grasps small objects, manipulates them and locates even small things like ants, beads by five months
- Changes fixation between objects or faces, recognizes familiar faces from long distances by six months
- Looks for details of objects and manipulates them by seven months
- Reacts to facial expressions like anger, joy, imitates adults by eight months
- Imitates facial expressions or actions of others by nine months
- Searches for toys, places things appropriately on command by ten months
- Imitates gestures like bye-bye, good morning, picking up papers, grains, playing with household items by eleven months
- Changes focus from distance to near objects by one year of age
- Shows interest towards picture books, photos, building blocks by one and a half years of age
- Can scribble, draw straight line by two years
- Matches shapes, colour, copy simple shapes, colours objects by three years
Suspect visual problems if you don’t recognize age appropriate milestones being reached by your child or if your child shows certain behaviours like not exhibiting eye contact, not initiating social smile or not responding to facial expressions, disinterested in objects in the environment, does not reach out to objects, bumps at things, clumpsy, squinting eyes, rubbing eyes frequently or closing one eye while looking at objects.
If you notice any of the above signs it’s time to contact your developmental optometrist. Your developmental optometrist can help reinstate the communication between the eyes and the brain and enhance the functional visual skills of your child through early visual stimulation program.
At PreciEyes after a detailed eye examination such early stimulation treatments would be offered which would help the child to establish fixation at objects, recognize objects and reach up to them. Such early intervention programs would help the child to develop cognitively and intellectually.
For more details call 9884757760 / mail to