Vision Therapy for Amblyopia
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Amblyopia is a neuro-developmental disorder that starts during early childhood. In this condition brain ignores the information received from the weak eye. As a result, both the eyes do not work as a team. PreciEyes provides the best vision therapy for amblyopia / Lazy Eye in Chennai.
- Is your child wearing glasses and still experiencing decreased vision in one or both eyes?
- Is your child diagnosed of having amblyopia or Lazy eye?
- Would you like to discover the various treatments for amblyopia?
Then you are at the right place, continue reading.
When you notice decreased vision in one or both eyes despite the use of glasses, then your child might be experiencing what is called as Amblyopia or Lazy Eye. Often children do not recognize decreased vision just in one eye and hence they may not pronounce any symptoms.
Amblyopia is diagnosed mainly through vision screening programs. So, it’s important that all children should undergo eye examination on a regular basis before starting their primary and secondary schooling. Apart from reduced vision your child may also be experiencing difficulties in assessing depth, eye strain while reading and can also have difficulties in locating the objects on the side of the weaker eye, etc. Amblyopia, if untreated may affect the child’s academic progression, his/her involvement in sports, your child may find it difficult to cope up with peers and as a result the child may also feel frustrated and depressed.
The major causes of amblyopia include:
- Uncorrected high refractive errors
- Anisometropia or difference of > 2.00 D error between the two eyes
- Strabismus or squint eyes
- Visual deprivation to any ocular diseases like cataract
Amblyopia is not a rare condition and the best part of it is that it’s a reversible condition. Timely diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment at the right age are key to reversing this condition and preventing long- term effects of this condition. While prescribing glasses and occluding the normal eye either on a part time or full-time basis are the traditional treatment techniques, current evidence-based treatment options does not support these. Spectacles were found to support the resolution of this condition in only 27 – 32% of the cases. Occlusion treatments were found to just improve the monocular functions of the weak eye however they were found to have no effect on the combined use of the two eyes which is called as the binocular function of the eye.
Vision therapy in addition to occlusion therapy are considered to be the effective treatment of choice for Amblyopia. Apart from improving the ability to see, vision therapy also helps to improve the oculomotor skills, binocular skills like accommodation and vergence ranges, and improving on
The perceptual visual tasks. We at PreciEyes offer a personalized office and home-based vision therapy program for both children and adults with amblyopia. Our therapy program consists of planned activities that are targeted towards addressing the deficient visual skills of our clients. We also utilize the latest technology and methods that our clients enjoy and get benefitted.
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